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Product Highlights

  • Brand: Matritva Care
  • Diet Type: Vegetarian
  • Shelf life: 2 Months
  • Made with Finest Quality Ingredients in 100% Pure Ghee
  • No Added Sugar
  • Free of any Chemicals or Preservatives
  • Ingredients: ‎Turmeric, Black Pepper, Jaggery, Almond, Cashew, Walnut, Dates, Raisins, Dry Coconut, Cardamom & Ghee
  • Benefits: Immunity booster, fights postpartum depression, Fights inflammation, Natural detoxifier, promotes digestion and provides comfort
  • Pack of 4 Pieces
  • Quantity: 250gm, 500gm
  • Country of Origin: ‎India.

Matritva Care Immunity Boosting Haldi Panjiri/ Made in Pure Ghee, No added Sugar or Preservatives (Pack of 4)

MRP Price Sale Price
₹1,180.00₹1,770.00 / Pack ( 4 Pcs ) Margin: 26.25%
Product Price :   295/ Per Piece (250 Grams) Quantity Details : 1 Pack = 4 Pieces
Credit Available : Reach out to
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Bulk Quantity

/ Pack ( 4 Pcs )
MRP Margin (%) Price
/ Pack ( 4 Pcs )
1 ₹1600 26.25% ₹1,180.00
2+ ₹1600 36.44% ₹1,017.00
Buyer EnquiryBuy Now


  • Haldi Panjiri is a traditional Indian recipe. Made with the highest quality natural ingredients in 100% pure Ghee and Jaggery with zero added preservatives, it is the easiest and most effective way to naturally boost your immunity. Turmeric can protect our bodies from infections.
  • It is very beneficial in the postpartum period due to its healing properties. It also helps in improving Lactation in new mothers.
  • We use Lakadong Turmeric has one of the highest curcumin contents of 7-10% while regular turmeric has 2 to 3% only.
  • Turmeric (Haldi) – The Golden Elixir: At the heart of this Panjiri is the golden essence of turmeric, a revered spice in traditional Indian medicine. Known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, turmeric adds both flavor and functional benefits to this wholesome blend.
  • Nutrient-Rich Ingredients for Holistic Wellness: Matritva Care’s Immunity Boosting Haldi Panjiri is a medley of nutrient-rich ingredients, such as whole wheat flour, nuts, seeds, and aromatic spices. This diverse composition ensures a holistic approach to wellness, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Crafted in Pure Ghee: Matritva Care understands the significance of the medium used for preparation. The Immunity Boosting Haldi Panjiri is crafted in pure ghee, a traditional and revered ingredient in Indian cuisine. Ghee not only enhances the absorption of nutrients but also imparts an authentic and rich flavor to the Panjiri.
  • No Added Sugar for Health-Conscious Choices: In alignment with Matritva Care’s health-conscious philosophy, this Panjiri is devoid of added sugar. The natural sweetness is derived from ingredients like jaggery or natural sweeteners, offering a delightful taste without the drawbacks associated with excessive sugar consumption.
  • Preservative-Free Assurance: To preserve the authenticity and freshness of the Immunity Boosting Haldi Panjiri, Matritva Care has consciously avoided the use of preservatives. This ensures that each serving encapsulates the pure and unadulterated essence of the traditional recipe.
  • Turmeric’s Immune-Boosting Benefits: Turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. Regular consumption of this Panjiri provides a natural and delicious way to incorporate the benefits of turmeric into one’s daily routine.
  • Nourishment for Vitality and Energy: The combination of nutrient-dense ingredients in the Panjiri contributes to overall vitality and energy. The presence of nuts, seeds, and whole wheat flour ensures a balance of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy.

Additional information


250g, 500g


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